søndag 18. september 2011

Blueberry Cables

Blueberry Cables


Needles size 4
9 skeins of PT2 yarn, or Ullteppegarn from Gjestal
Tapestry needle for weaving in ends and seaming under the arms


Knit and purl
Decrease and increase


37 rows x 20 stitches = 10x10 cm (4x4 inches)

How to:

The sweater part:
Cast on 216 stitches.
Knit 2, purl 2 until it measures 8 cm (3.2 inches)
Then start cable pattern: Knit 2, purl 2, knit 6, purl 2, knit 2, purl 2.
Knit 3 rounds of this, then on the fourth round, when you come to the ”knit 6”, slip 3 stitches onto the cable needle and place this behind your main needles. Then knit the next 3 stitches, and finally knit the 3 stitches on the cable needle.
Complete 10 rounds before doing another cable twist.
Measure to see if you have the desired lenght by holding it tightly under your arm and let it hang down. On the picture this piece measu
res 64 cm (25.2 inches).

When you reach desired lenght, place a marker at beginning of round, and a marker half way through (at the 108th stitch). Begin the round by binding off 4 stitches, then continue the round. Four stitches before the next marker, you start binding off 8 stitches. Countinue the round, and bind off the last 4 stitches. Take care to see the cables are centered, meaning an equal amount of cables on each side of the midline in front before binding off stitches.

The sleeves:
Cast on 60 stitches.
Knit 2 and purl 2 around and around until it measures 12 cm (4.7 inches). Then make an increase at the beginning and end of each fourth round until total lenght measures 24 cm (9.4 inches).
Bind off the first 4 and last 4 stitches of the round, keeping the rest on the needles.
Logically, you make 2 of these.

Putting it together:
Place each sleeve onto the needle with the rest of the sweater – one in each ”bind off section”. Take care to place the bind off section of the sweater and sleeve opposite eachother.
Then place a marker at each sweater and sleeve junction – a total of 4 marker. The marker at the beginning of each round should have a different color than the other three to help you recognize when a new round starts.
On every second round, you knit 2 together, knit 1 before each marker, then knit 1 and knit 2 together before each marker.
Continue cable pattern from the sweater part, and the knit 2 purl 2 from the sleeve part.
Continue until you have 160 stitches left on you needles.

The collar
The collar is made by knit 2 purl 2 throughout the round.
Continue 15 rounds.
Keep a marker at the beginning of each round and halfway through each round. 1 stitch before each marker, you increase 2 stitches. Do the same 1 stitch after each marker. Take care to maintain the knit 2, purl 2-pattern in the front and at the back of the collar, keeping the increases on the sides.
Collar is finished when you feel it is large enough. On the picture I made a total of 4 round of increases.
Bind off loosely.

Weave in ends, and seam the holes under the arms. Enjoy!

lørdag 17. september 2011

TV-static Jacket

It is the first time I try to write down a pattern. If you have suggestions on how to improve this, please let me know :-)

This jacket is made using super bulky wool, Rosendahl by Gjestal, 7 skeins.

Needles: size 5 and 7.
Gauge: 17 stitches x 22 rows = 10 x 10 cm.

Cast on 128 stitches on needle size 5.
Purl 2, knit 2 back and forth until it measures 10 cm.
Then switch to needle size 7 and knit one way and purl on return.
Work until desired lenght is reached when measuring from under the arm.
Place a marker 32 stitches counting from the beginning of the round and one marker 32 stitches from the end of the round. Then knit until 2 stitches from the first marker, and bind off 3 stitches. Continue to knit until 1 stitch before the next marker, and bind off 3 stitches, and knit to the end of the round.

Then you knit the arms:
Using needles size 5, cast on 52 stitches.
Knit 2 and purl 2 around and around.
Increase 2 at the beginning and end of every fifth round.
When the arm measures 15 cm, insert the arm in the first "bind off section". Then make the next arm and to the same into the other section.

The arms and the rest of the jacket are knit together using raglan:
Place a marker on each "junction" between the arm and the jacket, a total of 4 markers.
On each knit side: 3 stitches before each marker - knit 2 together, knit 1, then on the other side of the marker, knit 1 knit 2 together,
On each purl side you do not decrease, just purl the entire round.
Continue this until you have 70 stitches left, then bind off.

The collar:
The collar can either be knit separately and then sewn on, or you can knit it on.
Cast on 30 stitches,
Purl 3, knit 2, purl 6, knit 2, purl 16, then knit the last stitch on the needle together with the first stitch on the jacket edge.
Knit 17, purl 2, knit 6, purl 2, knit 3. Make sure the knit stitches of the collar are on the same side as the purled stitches on the jacket. If you wish to add the cable, then every tenth round on the knit side, slip 3 stitches onto a third needle and place these behind the main needles, knit the next 3 stitches. Then knit the 3 slipped stitches, and continue the patten.